How To Tell If Your PS4 Has A Virus?

No one wants a virus on there PS4, but how do you know if your PS4 even has a virus? I understand how important your PS4 is to you, so I researched the internet trying to find answers to this question.

There is no way to tell if your PS4 has a virus as the PS4 operating system is very different from a computers, there are far more Windows devices for a hacker to create a virus to infect. But in 2018 a viral PSN message was sent that bricked users PS4, so the PS4 can suffer a virus.

I know it is confusing but the PS4 is very different from a traditional PC and is much harder to infect with a virus.

I will explain why the PS4 is hard to hack, and how to protect yourself from potential viruses, read on to find out.

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Is it Possible To Get A Virus On Your PS4?

Every operating system is different, so a hacker would need to create a specific code for the PS4 FreeBSD system. Consoles are a closed platform making it hard to develop software. It is possible for the PS4 to get a virus as in 2018 when a viral PSN message was sent to users that bricked PS4s.

I know it is confusing, so I will explain the reasons why and the PS4 could be hacked and why it is difficult compared to hacking a Windows PC or MacBook.

Viruses Do Not Work Across Platforms

Every operating system from Windows,macOS, and the PS4 operating system Orbis OS (based on FreeBSD) are different. If a hacker creates custom code for macOS it will not on windows.You understand?

Also, the security systems across operating systems and how these systems operate change, look at how different the PS4 operating system and the Xbox One operating system is and you will see what I mean.

As a software company, Microsoft has better security measures than Sony, as Sony is a hardware company. This is why the Xbox One has never been hacked, and the PSN network has been hacked several times, to find out if your PS4 account has been hacked check my post here.

You may have heard Mac users say with a smug face that Macs are impossible to hack, and Windows machines are easy targets. I would know as I am writing this on a Mac!

However, this has been changing as an Ex-NSA hacker found a way to hack mac users via a Microsoft Office exploit. As Mac users increase hackers will find themselves more and more targeted.

The 2018 message PSN message exploit that I discuss later shows that PS4 can be hacked, so it can easily happen again as hackers know exploits are possible.

The PS4 Runs Code So It Can Run Malware

Any device even the so far unhackable Xbox One can get hacked, it just depends on someone to develop the time and resources needed to discovery security holes in the system and create a malware package.

Malware is software that is designed to disrupt, damage, or gain unauthorized access to a computer system and this happened in 2018 when the Reddit user Huntstark published this post how a player from an opposing team in Rainbow Six: Siege sent a message to the entire team that caused everyone’s PS4 to crash!

They all had to factory reset apart from one guy who had his messages set to private. Read more about the story on Polygons post and this is what Sonys UK twitter account said in response.

The text-message exploit works similar to a 2015 iPhone text bomb as specific characters using the PS4s code caused the system to crash, even if the message was not opened!

Whilst this might not be a ‘virus’ I think the potentiality of a simple message causing your PS4 to be factory reset is enough to be called a virus. As did you know a factory reset resets ALL your data so you lose everything? Sounds like a virus to me right?

This is why getting some an external hard drive like the 4TB WD external hard drive for your PS4 is so important as you always will have a backup for all your hard-earned gaming accomplishments.

To see other advantages of getting an external hard drive check out my post here.

How To Prevent Your PS4 From Getting Hacked

  1. [Settings]>[Account Management]-[Privacy Settings]
  2. Enter Password
  3. [Personal Info]>[Messages]> [No One]

This will prevent people you don’t know from sending you messages that could damage your PS4, if you trust your friends you could change the last setting to a friend only, please stay safe out there online!

Consoles Have Got Malware In The Post

In 2014 someone created a malware program that bricked the Nintendo DS as shown in the above video. It was disguised as a brand new game that people could download, as the DS was infamous for being modded.

You could argue it was the user’s own fault as they were running pirated or unlicensed software but the point is consoled have been targeted before, so it is only a matter of time before your PS4 is targeted again!

Consoles Run The Same Software

Windows and PC users can run infinite varieties of different hard ware and software configurations, think you can run Windows on a Mac!

Whilst your PS4 can run Linux and become a gaming PC see my post here on how to set it up. every PS4 basically runs the same operating system with the same problems and doors for hackers to walk right into.

So a PS4 Pro has the same operating system as a PS4 from 2013 but why is this the case, shouldn’t developers create new operating systems for new hardware? Its because developing software is very expensive especially for Sony, as they are a hardware company.

This is shown by Sony spending a ridiculous $3 BILLION dollars on the PS3!  To see other reasons why consoles are so expensive check my post here

So if someone developers malware that can run on a 2013 PS4 or a base Xbox One, then likely all other units of the same console or even hard ware improvements like the PS4 Pro are as good as hacked! Scary right?

PSN Security Has Faults

The PSN network, yes that network that has your credit card has been hacked numerous times! If you had a PS3 you would remember receiving a couple of free games including InFamous as an apology from Sony for a network hacker accessing the data of 77 million users way back in 2011.

Clearly PSN has a lot of security holes check my post here to see if your PS4 was hacked, and better yet how to diagnose potential scammers and recover your account back!

Hackers Could Hack Your PS4 Using A DNS Sever

All modern consoles including your personal PS4 downloads updates to system software, this is where a hacker could strike!

A hacker needs to intercept the communication by changing the DNS servers path so your console connects to a fake service set up by the attacker, this has been used to great effectiveness against Windows PCs.

This is hypothetical, but if it happened your console is finished. Everything the hacker wanted to do, from stealing your PSN account details, or any payment details you entered into their systems and much more could be done, their options are sadly unlimited.

Worse still your warranty would be void, as to how could you prove to Sony the hack wasn’t your fault? I mention this in my post about recovering a hacked PSN account but convicing Sony your account has been hacked is hard enough!

There Is No Way To Tell If Your PS4 Has been Hacked!

Creating malware that infects game consoles is possible but more difficult to pull off than hacking Windows and MacOS systems, as the small number of PS4 consoles online compared to other systems make them less of a good target for hackers.

However if someone did have the resources and knowledge, it is definitely possible and the exploit in 2018 has shown it is possible to exploit the PS4s code.

After all maybe it has already happened, and someones PS4 maybe even yours is waiting for the evil hackers instructions? Who knows, likely it has not been hacked but anything is possible.

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